What Demon Slayer Character Are You?
By: Denis Priesnov
Created: over 1 year ago
It would seem that Demon Slayer is a typical shonen anime that would be rather boring for a regular viewer after dozens, if not hundreds, of similar projects in the area.
However, this particular work has managed to capture the attention of people around the world. It's gained many fans all over the world. If you are one of them, I have an interesting quiz for you - this one will tell you is your closest match of the series. Basically, you can find your Demon Slayer character right now!
If you are ready and cannot wait to check your destiny in the Demon Slayer manga world, feel free to proceed directly to the quiz!
However, I also have a small survey on the topic that would be of help to me. It does not influence your character quiz scores! This is a completely separate issue. So, if you are willing to spare a few minutes and help me with the survey, I would be very thankful.
So, the questions are the following:
- What character of the main Trio (outside of Nezuko, we are talking testosterone here!) do you think is a better fighter?
- Which of them do you like more?
- What character interests you most, Kanao or Tamayo?
- Do you believe Demon Slayer better portrays heroes or villains?
Well, this is a whole short survey. If you'd like to help me with it, could you pleas? leave your answers in the comment section?
Demon Slayer Character Test
In this Demon Slayer quiz, you'll find out wht character in the fandom would suit you better. Or rather who would you suit better.
At the manga and the anime are full of ineteresting characters, it would be really fun to find out exactly which of them is the most like you. Here, we can covering mostly personality traits. Though, if you believe that any of the characters in the series is your lost twin brother, who are we to point out that you have shy to nothing in common and only the appearance carries your claim? If you feel a deeper connection with a character, so be it!
However, if you'd only take the quiz, you'll find that some of the determening questions are quite unepected. Some concern the daily life and decisions, not only the inuniverse stuff.
Similar to Demon Slayer Quiz
There are many similar quizzes on our website if you want to continue the fun. Now, if you are looking for the perfect combination of a personality test plus anime, we have the following options.
About Denis
Meet Denis, the quiz guru who knows how to turn any get-together into a blast! He whips up fun quizzes and trivia that'll have you laughing and learning at the same time. Whether you're chilling with friends or at a lively event, Denis's quizzes promise a good time with a side of education. Come join in for a laid-back adventure full of laughs!