Am I Beautiful Or Ugly Quiz

By: Denis Priesnov
Updated: 5 months ago
Beauty is a complex notion. It all always highly subjective and unique for each of us. Yet, it's been one of the main discussion topics for thousands of years. People have always been arguing about beauty and will not stop in the foreseeable future.

What do you see when you look in the mirror though? "Am I ugly?" we often think. Self-evaluation is the hardest thing for all of us. Do you love yourself? Do you accept your flaws and learn to embrace them proudly? Or are you simply perfect? While it is hard to look at yourself objectively, it may be even harder to imagine how others see you. Do people think you are as beautiful as a princess? Or as ugly as an old witch? Maybe, we have to get rid of those stereotypes at all.

This "Am I Beautiful or Ugly" quiz is meant to offer insight into your opinion of yourself and how it affects others. If people like you, you should be doing something right?

What Is Beauty

Beauty for you and others are completely different things. Do you value the symmetry of facial features or the kind look in people's eyes? That may be important for you but not for others. People learn to appreciate a variety of features and traits humans possess. We prioritize differently. We see the world in unique ways.
signs she likes you quiz
Is beauty inside of us or is it how we look? For many, it is both in and out. Don't judge a book by its cover. Have you heard this before? We all have but still continue to judge from time to time. The society always invents "the standards of beauty." Most of the time, we mean outside beauty, our appearance. Slim or curvy, tall or short, fair or dark...Each generation has its preferences and they change rapidly. A slower transition concert the inner beauty and what is considered a "good trait." There were periods of chivalry, of intellectual breakthrough, or peace and freedom. The combination of these two types of beauty makes each person unique.

Is it important to be born with the most symmetrical face as emphasized by scientists? Is it important to be a local genius? No. To most important, beauty is been yourself and taking care of your body. A sound mind in a sound body, remember?

What Will You Learn Here?

In this Am I Pretty quiz, we will take a look at various sides of your personality. This approach gives a better understanding of "the whole picture." Do you love yourself as much as you'd like others to love you? Because everything starts with you. Value yourself and your health to stay strong and attractive. Read books and learn new skills to be interesting. Follow your passions and be open to people. Make friends and enjoy the quiet time.

These simple rules will make you feel loved and happy. After all, that is why we desire beauty. To be happy.

Take this quiz as a friendly reminder to love yourself and the people around you.

Am I Beautiful Or Ugly Quiz Questions

beautiful compliments How often do you receive compliments?
  • never

  • on occasion

  • very often

beautiful passion Are you a passionate person?
  • not much

  • I'm passionate about certain hobbies and people

  • very passionate about everything I do and people I meet

am i ugly quiz How often do you exercise?
  • several times a week

  • once a week

  • when I'm in certain mood 

  • never 

beauty or ugly quiz How often do you catch strangers looking at you?
  • I've never noticed

  • I catch them sometimes

  • they never stop

beauty test When you look in a mirror, what do you see?
  • my flaws

  • my beautiful smile and sparkling eyes

  • just myself

inner self Are you afraid to show your true self to the others?
  • yes

  • no

does she like me quiz Do you have true and loyal friends?
  • I have many acquaintances, but they are hardly true friends

  • I have many great friends

  • I have a couple of the best friends in the world

  • I don't have true friends

smile beauty How often do you smile?
  • all the time

  • often enough

  • almost never

beautiful or ugly quiz Are you self-centered?
  • no

  • sometines

  • yes

inner beauty Are people surprised to find out you are insecure at times?
  • yes

  • no

inner beauty quiz Are you a confident and independent person?
  • I'm 100% independent

  • sometimes, I ask for help and support

  • I always rely on others

beauty quiz Do you consider yourself a kind person?
  • I believe I am kind

  • not always kind

beautiful test What self-care routine do you follow?
  • I have a regular morning and evening routine with special skincare products and appliences

  • I keep myself clean and mosturized

  • I use no skincare products aside from the basics 

beauty fashion quiz Do you follow fashion trends?
  • I follow all of them

  • yes, but I have my own style

  • not at all

beautiful hair test How often do you indulge in hair treatments?
  • several times a week

  • once a week

  • once a month

signs she likes you quiz Are people nervous around you?
  • no, they are relaxed

  • only strangers

  • I'm nervous around them

beautiful and happy Do people smile when they see you?
  • yes, and I smile in return

  • all my friends do 

  • it feels more like laughing at me

ugly quiz Are you an attentive listener?
  • yes

  • no

happy person quiz Are you happy?
  • yes

  • no

beautiful language Do you use proper language every day? (polite, without curse words/aggressiveness. etc)
  • yes, I try to

  • I'm not eloquent or always polite

About Denis

Denis  Priesnov

Meet Denis, the quiz guru who knows how to turn any get-together into a blast! He whips up fun quizzes and trivia that'll have you laughing and learning at the same time. Whether you're chilling with friends or at a lively event, Denis's quizzes promise a good time with a side of education. Come join in for a laid-back adventure full of laughs!