Harry Potter House Quiz

By: Denis Priesnov
Updated: 10 months ago
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What's your Hogwarts House? Any Harry Potter fan would like to find the exact House that would be their home if they'd gotten that Hogwarts letter! Some of us did. Others are still waiting for that wayward owl. Meanwhile, welcome to the quiz Which Harry Potter House Are You?

Harry Potter Quiz Uncovers Wonders

The magical world created by J.K. Rowling is so full of wonders and adventures that every kid dreams of becoming its integral part. Would you like to be a wizard? Definitely. Would you like to be a muggle in the wizarding world? Well, that's less desirable but, at least, we already know about magic, right? We can have wizard friends and experience the parts of that world through them. When it comes to Hogwarts, every kid or an adult who's grown with the books and movies will embrace the opportunity to go.

The dedicated fans of the series find it essential to know what their story in Hogwarts would be. And the school always starts with sorting. That is the crucial part of being a wizard, the House Pride. And we would all eagerly join the ranks of one of four unique Houses if only we had that damn letter already!

It's been a long wait, but you can actually discover what the Sorting Hat has in store for you with this Harry Potter House quiz. Yay! Thus, we can come to Hogwarts already fully prepared. Turn on your inner Hermione to the max!!! If only we had access to magical textbooks.

Hogwarts House Quiz Origins

As we all know, the Sorting Hat is a creation of Hogwarts founders. But do you actually know the one initial owner of the Hat? You can find the truth in our other Harry Potter quizzes.

The Hat has sorted thousands of young students throughout the years of Hogwarts history. If not millions! Though it likes to imagine itself the ultimate unmistaken source of wisdom, many fans would argue on quite a few choices. Do you believe the Hat is always right, or may J.K.Rowling be hiding something from us?

The Sorting Hat Quiz Dilemma

"We may be sorting too soon."
harry potter house quiz

Do you remember yourself at the age of 11? We all were strange beings at the time. Our values, preferences, and insecurities were still shaping. How can we or the Hat make a choice that would determine us for the next seven years? The Hat should have at least some access to our future character, right? Its powers are still a mystery.
For the Houses and their values are so different. There's much in-between. But, in the end, each of them encompasses a wide range of characters.
We offer you a Harry Potter sorting quiz that will take a look at various sides of your personality to determine not only what you are but what you'd like to be.
Do you perhaps value courage in people but lack it in daily life? Gryffindor will encourage you to be strong and brave despite your fear. Just think of Neville, who's sure he's going to Hufflepuff but uncovers its "hero" potential in the Lion House. That's a bright example that the Hat is right, even if you don't believe in yourself.

Being sorted at 11 indeed seems too early. How are we supposed to know ourselves? Would you like your 11-year-old self to determine your character through the result of school years? We doubt so. That's why taking this quiz for Harry Potter House later in life is the best course of action. Your personality is already formed, and you know who you are as an adult. Sorting to a fictional school in your 20's may seem a bit silly and immature, but Hogwarts houses show more than our fan love for the universe. A House is a deeply personal matter that uncovers some hidden parts of your character. You may be surprised by some options you choose and the final result.

Is This Harry Potter House Test Precise?

The best part of this quiz is that it can be retaken. It's an opportunity for the young ones to see whether their character and the House will change in a few years. Besides, as adults, we also continue to grow and change.

So, do you have a preferred Hogwarts House that you relate to the most? Or are you stuck between two options? We'll help you to find where you belong.

You may be surprised, but for many people, it's two houses! Just as the Sorting Hat admits to having "stalls" with certain people, the reality is rarely as one-dimensional as the ceremony you have you believe. It is rare to possess just one of these qualities without expressing the others. Thus, if you take this quiz two or three times (with a little break and a clear mind), you may have two different results. And these will be your two Houses! You may be a Slitherclaw or a Gryffinpuff for all you know! Don't limit yourself to just one Hogwarts family!

What Harry Potter House Am I?

  • Gryffindor may be for those who value courage, but the students are often mischievous and friendly.
  • Slytherin is said to value ambition and cunning, but its students are also intelligent and often brave.
  • Ravenclaw is more than wits. It's home to creative people, as well as some quite eccentric ones.
  • Hufflepuff is all about kindness and loyalty, but they are people of a strong moral code and superb skills.
We can find a dozen more pros to become a part of each House. In truth, all of them are great and should remain one united family to raise exceptional wizards and witches.

Is This Pottermore Quiz?

Though the legendary Pottermore Quiz was an inspiration for the huge variety of Harry Potter House tests. And so this one is different from what you can find online. Yes, I've thoroughly examined the Pottermore quiz and what metrics it uses to sort people into Hogwarts Houses. However, this is a fan representation of how many see them. With that said, I hope you get the House that feels the most comfortable for you.

Enjoy this Hogwarts House quiz and share your results with us!

Remember that it's about where you'll do the best. The result may surprise you!

You may also like to uncover your spirit animal here.

About Denis

Denis  Priesnov

Meet Denis, the quiz guru who knows how to turn any get-together into a blast! He whips up fun quizzes and trivia that'll have you laughing and learning at the same time. Whether you're chilling with friends or at a lively event, Denis's quizzes promise a good time with a side of education. Come join in for a laid-back adventure full of laughs!