Determining your sexuality in modern society is no easier than it was years ago. But why is that? Despite the numerous activities and human rights organizations that support and promote freedom to explore your sexuality, society is slow to change. Besides, the introduction of new terminology can confuse anyone! (Not to mention young impressionable teenagers confused as it is). This sexuality quiz will help you sort out your habits a bit. And the following information will introduce most of the currently-accepted sexuality orientations.
What's in This Sexual Orientation Quiz?
Important Note: We encourage you to feel free to explore your sexuality on your terms, without feeling the need to label anything! Sexual orientation is a highly personal thing that we all experience differently. Do what suits you best and what feels comfortable!
Now, are you ready to dive into the world of terminology for a bit before the actual sexual orientation quiz? The variety of options and categories may surprise you!
This is a broad term that includes various kinds of orientations. Its meaning is being attracted to only one gender. As a result, both homosexual and heterosexual orientations are incorporated into this category.
Am I Polysexual?
This is the complete opposite of monosexuality. The term means that a person is attracted to more than one gender, but not all. This may be confusing for many, but you'll understand the difference after hearing the variety of following terms. Besides, the number of gender variations is not less than orientations.
Am I Heterosexual?
This is what traditionally is called being straight. Heterosexual relationships are the connection between people of the opposite sex. This is an easy one; everybody knows that.
Homosexual - Am I Lesbian Quiz?
Another part of monosexual orientation is homosexual, or as you may know lesbian. This is a category that's been with us for a long time and brings no confusion.
Homosexual - Am I Gay Quiz?
Homosexual generally includes two types of sexual orientations - lesbian and gay. Some people generalize all homosexuals as gay. As far as I've noticed, people have to trouble with that.
Am I Bisexual Quiz?
Bisexuals find both men and women attractive. This is one of the most known types of polysexual orientations. You've probably already taken a bisexual quiz at some point out of interest, right?
Am I Pansexual Test?
This is quite a new term. But it has already gained popularity. Pansexual means being attracted to people of all genders. That includes transgender, androgynous, gender fluid, and so on. This is an all-encompassing orientation that means that a person sees no importance in this category and chooses a partner based on other criteria.
Am I Asexual Quiz?
Axesuals come from a whole spectrum of their own. The traditional interpretation is feeling no sexual drive at all. However, there are many variations to asexual people. For example, there is grey-A that experiences sexual attraction, but it may be very low (easy to disregard) or connected to a particular person or circumstances.
Am I Autosexual?
This term will be new to many people. Autosexuals - people sexually attracted to themselves. Their fantasies revolve around their bodies, and a mirror for a successful sexuality test is advisable.
Am I Androgynsexual?
This sexuality has no connection to one particular gender but comes in a combination of both. Androgynsexuals admire androgynous people (those who possess both female and male features).
Am I Pomosexual?
This is the most freeing choice for modern society. Pomosexuals are those individuals who reject labeling sexuality and don't want to be identified with any label. They determine it all on their own.
So, have you learned anything new from this short (and not full at all) list? You can now process to What Is My Sexuality Quiz.
You may also also like this simple version of Am I Gay Quiz.
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