Am I Fat Quiz, Health-Related

By: Denis Priesnov
Updated: 4 months ago
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Fat is an insult; obese is a medical term. And, considering we are here with your health in mind, I'd prefer the latter term though I understand that the fat quiz is more popular among the youth.
And this is where society has let us down. It has told us numerous times that fat equals ugly, and we believe it now. Even kids believe it because social media is everywhere.

Instead, it should've focused better on the issue of a healthy body rather than a slim body. In my mind, you should all strive to become the best versions of yourself. First and foremost, it concerns the inner world, but the physical aspect is also essential. Therefore, this motto includes being active, functional, and strong physically, plus nourishing your body properly.

So, I hope this quiz can help obese people recognize that it's time to change something in their lives. Either by your own willpower or with the help of doctors and close people.

I Am Fat, What to Do?

First, stop calling yourself fat. I know many of us to do that subconsciously because of those media stereotypes. Instead, call yourself "striving for the goals," "talented," "determined," etc. But never fat.
At the same time, if you want to change your body for a healthier version of it. It's completely fine to feel the need. We all would benefit from a strong body. So if you want to change, you can follow a few tips that will give you impressive results.
am i fat quiz

Reduce Processed and Junk Food

This tip applies to all people, not only to those trying to lose weight. Processed and junk food pollute our bodies. If eaten rarely and in moderation, I believe you can enjoy an addictive treat without much harm. However, we've started to rely on them too much and consume them every day.

Include Healthy Options

Instead, try to cook your meals on your own. It may be hard initially, but it'll get easier in time. Plus, you'll have a great time cooking! Add more vegetables, lentils, lean meats, proteins, healthy fats, fibers, etc. Reduce the number of carbs (but don't eliminate them) and sugars. Review Your

Build Better Relationship with Food

Sadly, many of us have an unhealthy relationship with food, and that can be expressed in many ways. Make sure you don't overeat to reduce your stress, depression, sadness, and so on. Make sure it fuels you, brings you joy, but doesn't make you dependent. Try enjoying your meals without distraction, and you'll see a huge difference.

Add Fitness

No matter what kind of sport you choose, it's always better than being a lazy couch potato. Start with something you actually like, even just as simple as walking. Later, you'll get to something harder and will enjoy it as well. Remember to give yourself plenty of rest as well.

Similar Tests to Am I Fat Quiz

There are quite a few quizzes on this website that deal with different kinds of health issues, mainly mental ones. For example, if you want to review your relationship with food, I suggest taking a look at this quiz: Do I Have an Eating Disorder. It may give you a glimpse of where the issue lies.
Good luck in your journey to the healthiest version of you.

Am I Fat Quiz, Health-Related Questions

Am i fat quiz How often do you work out?
  • several times a week

  • several times a month

  • on occasion, when the mood is right

  • I don't work out

Am i fat quiz Do you have sedentary lifestyle?
  • yes

  • yes but with occasional training

  • no, I'm mostly active

Am i fat quiz Do you often experience high blood pressure?
  • yes

  • on occasion

  • no

Am i fat quiz How often do you visit doctors?
  • regularly

  • rarely

  • only when something's bothering me

Am i fat quiz Do you suffer from sleep apnea?
  • yes

  • no

Am i fat quiz Is high blood pressure common for you?
  • yes, very common

  • yes, but not very often

  • no

Am i fat quiz Do you have diabetes?
  • yes

  • no

  • not diagnozed but I suspect it's developing

Am i fat quiz Can you say that your diet is healthy?
  • not at all

  • no, but it's not the worst diet possible

  • it's pretty healthy

  • yes, I only eat healthy foods

Am i fat quiz Do you experience shortness of breath simply after walking fast or long?
  • yes

  • no

  • on occasion

Am i fat quiz Have you had stretch marks in the young age?
  • yes, lots

  • just a bit

  • no

Am i fat quiz Do you often feel tired out of the blue?
  • yes

  • not often, but sometimes

  • no

Am i fat quiz Do you have trouble finding clothes your size in stores?
  • yes

  • no

Am i fat quiz Do you sweat a lot in summer?
  • not really

  • just as any other person

  • yes, enough

  • a lot

  • yes, and not only in summer

Am i fat quiz Do you often feel back and joint pain?
  • yes

  • yes, it's def not weight-related

  • no

Am i fat quiz How do you feel in hot climates?
  • I hate them! I die there

  • it's aweful but I can manage

  • I don't hate it but I still prefer something colder

  • great, I feel good

am i fat Have you ever tried a YouTube weight loss challenge?
  • yes, multiple times

  • just once or twice

  • no, never

am i fat quiz Can you do a pushup?
  • sadly, no

  • only the knee pushups

  • yes, multiple, in fact

am i fat quiz Do retail stores always have your clothes size?
  • yes (unless its bought out, ofc)

  • not always

  • they rarely have it

am i fat quiz Do you feel comfortable in swimwear?
  • not the best feeling

  • no, I hate swimwear

  • yes, it's okay

am i fat quiz Have others ever told you "you are fat"?
  • yes

  • no

am i fat Do you know the healthy norms of carbs/protein/fat for daily diet?
  • yes, and try to keep to them

  • yes, but often can't maintain them

  • only approximately

  • I have no idea

am i fat Do you know where's the closest gym to you?
  • yes

  • no

am i fat quiz Do you lie your image in the mirror?
  • no

  • 50/50

  • yes

About Denis

Denis  Priesnov

Meet Denis, the quiz guru who knows how to turn any get-together into a blast! He whips up fun quizzes and trivia that'll have you laughing and learning at the same time. Whether you're chilling with friends or at a lively event, Denis's quizzes promise a good time with a side of education. Come join in for a laid-back adventure full of laughs!