Brooklyn Nine-Nine Trivia Quiz for Geniuses

By: Denis Priesnov
Created: about 1 year ago
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Brooklyn 99 is a cop comedy series that features the work and life of the 99th Brooklyn Precinct. The show's main characters are the members of the squad:

  • Jake Peralta
  • Raymond Holt
  • Rosa Diaz
  • Terry Jeffords
  • Amy Santiago
  • Charles Boyle
  • Gina Linetti
  • Michael Hitchcock
  • Norm Scully
These are the leading detectives and office workers of the Precinct who have been entertaining the public for eight years already.
Currently, the show is available to watch on the following streaming services:

  • Netflix (certain countries)
  • Hulu
  • Peacock Premium
  • Amazon Prime
  • iTunes
Overall, a Brooklyn 99 marathon is a pleasurable and fun experience. Besides, after that, you'll be able to ace this quiz!

Brooklyn 99 Quiz Details

brooklyn 99 quiz
If you are already a big fan of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and have watched the whole series, you can easily pass this quiz as it's a trivia test. Your result will be based on how well you remember small and big details about the main characters.

To slightly heighten the complexity of the quiz, I've decided to add a couple of details about some minor characters as well. Don't worry; they are all recurring characters! I'm sure you'll remember such memorable guys!

The rules of this game are simple - you get a Brooklyn 99 trivia question and four answers. Only one is correct. So, choose wisely.

Interesting Brooklyn 99 Trivia

brooklyn 99 quiz
Before you start the quiz, as true fans, I believe you might be interested in some facts about the series and its creation.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Pitch

The show was so promising that several networks chased after it! The pitch and the pilot received massive attention from several agents, which is a whopping success when many new shows struggle to grab air time anywhere.

Brooklyn 99 is just so good!

Gina Was Special

It's really a big deal when screenwriters create a character specifically for the actor. And Chelsea Peretti was honored with the tailored character of Gina. Just as the show depicts the life-long friendship between Jake and Gina, the actors portraying them grew up and worked together. So, the writers decided to take advantage of such a close relationship to build a similar one!

Plus, I just have to mention that Terry Jeffords was also highly inspired by the actor portraying the role. Thus, writers took many skills and characteristics of Terry Crews and transferred them to the detective in question!

Police Training

With all the hilarious jokes and light humor, it's easy to forget that the show is about police officers. And while all the actors are masters of comedy, they had to undergo specialized police training to correctly depict the more serious parts of episodes.

The whole main cast went through some series of boot camp training at the Glendale Police Department. Thus, remember that their actions are as close to real-life as possible!

Hot Damn Was Improvised!

Yes, one of the most iconic phrases of the show wasn't originally in the script. Instead, Andre Braugher just came up with it!

For more TV show trivia fun, take a look at Supernatural Quiz.

About Denis

Denis  Priesnov

Meet Denis, the quiz guru who knows how to turn any get-together into a blast! He whips up fun quizzes and trivia that'll have you laughing and learning at the same time. Whether you're chilling with friends or at a lively event, Denis's quizzes promise a good time with a side of education. Come join in for a laid-back adventure full of laughs!